Speak, organize, accomplish.

★★★★ 4.7 / 5.0

Speak your mind. Denoted hears, decodes, and automatically files your tasks into your custom folders.

No credit card required.

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Grocery list
  • Buy apples.
  • Get milk.
  • Pick up bread.
  • Purchase veggies.
  • Grab snacks.
Work projects
  • Finish report.
  • Schedule meeting.
  • Update database.
  • Prepare presentation.
  • Call client.
Personal goals
  • Start a new hobby.
  • Declutter office.
  • Read a book.
  • Learn a new skill.
  • Plan vacation.
Home maintenance
  • Clean gutters.
  • Mow the lawn.
  • Fix leaky faucet.
  • Organize garage.
  • Paint living room.
Health & Fitness
  • Schedule annual checkup.
  • Try new healthy recipe.
  • Take vitamins daily.
  • Go for a 30-minute walk.
  • Practice yoga.


Revolutionize Your To-Do List


Speak Your Tasks

Effortlessly dictate your to-dos and let Denoted's advanced speech recognition transform them into actionable items.


AI Categorization

Our intelligent AI automatically sorts and organizes your tasks into appropriate lists, saving you time and mental effort.

Stay Organized

Access your neatly categorized tasks anytime, anywhere. Denoted keeps your life organized so you can focus on what matters.


Secure & Private

Your data is encrypted and protected. Denoted ensures your personal and professional tasks remain confidential.

© 2024 Denoted. All rights reserved.